Part Of Every Thing

POET is the non-profit parent organization at North Davis Preparatory Academy. Like a PTA or PTO, our POET helps organize special activities for our school and advocate for our students.

Our Motto is “POET is a part of every thing. We are the organizers, fundraisers, facilitators, volunteer and enthusiastic cheering section at the programs and events that make NDPA unique and strong.”

To us, POET stands for “Part Of Every Thing.” We work to get parents involved in all aspects of our students life at NDPA. By involving parents we grow our NDPA community and strengthen our school.


Money made through our Fundraising events such as Fall Fiesta & After School Activities goes toward improving our school by funding school materials & upgrades such as the rock climbing wall, the stage and chairs, basketball hoops, books for the library, “listening center”, Spain scholarships, sports equipment, field day cost, end of year pool party, teacher & student appreciation and more.

Currently we are working towards funding a new electronic marquee and a new playground surface for the elementary.

Class Captains 2024-2025

Class Captains are a vital part of NDPA. Our teachers rely on the support of students parents in helping share information about class and school activities and opportunities. If you would like to volunteer to support your student in this way, this is your chance!

Sign up now for next year’s positions!

Be A Part of POET!

Now is the time to apply to be a part of the 2024-2025 POET board! Lots of ways to help out our school while getting the know the staff and other board members. Positions range from a couple hours a month to more. All Volunteers are needed to make our school the best it can be.

Check out the 2024-2025 Board Members!